From their website:
The 9-mile West Creek meanders through a valley that harbors rocky gorges, forest-draped hillsides, and floodplains that each spring burst forth a variety of wildflowers, and flows through the cities of Parma, Seven Hills, Brooklyn Heights, and Independence where it eventually connects to the Cuyahoga River.
The 278-acre West Creek Reservation is geologically unique and biologically diverse, as the West Creek tributary not only provides natural beauty, but also a home to a variety of wildlife including white-tailed deer, scarlet tanagers, nesting pair of red tailed hawks and five species of oak: white, red, pin, scarlet and swamp white oak. In the wetlands nesting wood ducks, painted turtles, green frogs, cardinal flower and pickerelweed are abundant.
This is right across from the picnic grove between State and Broadview. Click the link above to see the map (since there is not an actual address)
Our Take?
We have gone here many times now--it is a great place for photography, for nature watching, for evening walks, etc.This really has something for everyone. We love to go off the beaten path and down to the little creek to skip rocks and rest in the shade. We haven't even began to venture into the entire 9 mile span, but are always excited to see what's in store for wherever we get to explore when we DO go.
Great place to walk dogs too!